Culture and Resistance: effective factors on the successful implementation of cultural diplomacy of the I.R.Iran in Pakistan (Case study: Shahid Rahimi cultural counseling course)

Document Type : Science - Research (International Relation)


1 PhD student in Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, I.R. Iran.

2 Professor of International Sociology, Member of the Faculty of Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, I.R. Iran.


Cultural diplomacy is the tool of any country to introduce itself to the people of other nations. Each government tries to present the best image of itself to others, which is mainly pursued through the media and the special representatives of each government in the target countries. The Islamic Republic of Iran is also trying to use efficient methods to introduce Islam, the Islamic Revolution and Iran.The Islamic Republic of Iran is also trying to use efficient methods to introduce Islam, the Islamic Revolution and Iran. The main trustee of this work is the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, which tries to achieve this goal by sending cultural counselor to different countries and supporting them. Presenting and explaining a successful example in the implementation of cultural diplomacy illuminates the path and provides a model for activists in the field of available example. For this purpose, the activities of Shahid Seyyed Mohammad Ali Rahimi; The cultural counselor of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been studied at the House of Culture in Multan, Pakistan.
The approach of the present study is a qualitative approach and in order to collect research data, a research document and a semi-structured interview have been used. Thematic analysis method has been used to analyze the research data and MAXQDA software, which is especially for qualitative research, has been used to perform reliable analysis steps. After the studies, it was found that the components of Shahid Rahimi's success in carrying out cultural diplomacy activities to achieve the set goals are: faith in Islam and the Islamic Revolution, mastering the cultural and social situation of Pakistan, study and planning, complete the activities, constructive interaction with the general public, important people and important institutions of Pakistan, tireless activity for the pleasure of God and good manners and behaviors.


Main Subjects

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Volume 19, مقاومت
August 2023
Pages 243-266
  • Receive Date: 21 April 2021
  • Revise Date: 03 February 2022
  • Accept Date: 06 April 2022