Emotion and Metaphor in the macro value management of society: case study of the discourse-building mechanisms of the Supreme Leader in the martyrdom of Qassem Soleimani

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Politic)


1 Assistant Professor of Political Sciences, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Political Sciences, Imam Sadiq University,Tehran, I.R. Iran.

2 Master's student in Political Science, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Political Sciences, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, I.R. Iran.


So far, Ayatollah Khamenei has been able to manage the challenges that have arisen for the country in critical moments, relying on the strength of the people. Of course, his management is not of the executive type, but a kind of value supervision on the management of macro-levels in the country, which he called "macro-value management". This article seeks to understand the mechanisms through which this discourse management has been done and to achieve the response, speech and general behavior of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution during the assassination of Qassem Soleimani until the Friday prayers in Tehran two weeks later as a study. Selected item. The data of this article have been collected by documentary method and processed by content analysis method.
The findings of this article show that Ayatollah Khamenei's approach to internal and external inflammations was not passive, but the text and tone of his messages and speeches show the intellectual-spiritual reassurance of the leadership that he tried to convey to the audience; What emerges in this article is a sociological understanding of the key themes and contexts of these actions, which focuses more on how the Supreme Leader used the tools of "metaphor" and "emotion" in the narrative of this terrorist incident in the history of regional resistance.


Main Subjects

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Volume 19, مقاومت
August 2023
Pages 123-146
  • Receive Date: 15 May 2022
  • Revise Date: 04 January 2023
  • Accept Date: 11 June 2023