Analysis of the position of Muslims in Denmark; from a legal minority to an "anti-Danish" phenomenon

Document Type : Science - Research (Regional Studies)


Assistant Professor in International Relations, Department of Political Science, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan,I.R. Iran.



The first encounter of Danish Vikings with Muslims dates back to a thousand years ago, but the first mass entry of Muslims to Denmark should be traced back to the 1960 as guest workers. After that, the second and third waves of Muslims entered the country as workers, refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons. In parallel with the arrival of Muslim immigrants in Denmark for the past 60 years, restrictive laws and regulations have been enacted; Laws that have consistently imposed restrictions on Islam, Islamist, Mosques, Imams, and so on. The question that arises here is why Islam has become problematic in Denmark not as a legal religious minority, like Judaism, but as an "anti-Danish" ? In response, while referring to the analytical-theoretical framework of the problematic rupture, we refer to the problematic change of Danish society from the problem of immigrants / workers to the problematic of Muslims / the "anti-Danish phenomenon" to describe the transformation of Muslims as anti-Danish issues.


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Volume 19, Issue 2 - Serial Number 38
September 2023
Pages 419-444
  • Receive Date: 21 June 2021
  • Revise Date: 09 November 2021
  • Accept Date: 25 November 2021