The method of Manžumeh analysis (Systematic analysis) of political thinkers' thought

Document Type : Science - Research (Public Science and Governance)


1 PhD in Political Science from Imam Sadiq University and Researcher at Imam Sadiq University Rushd Center, Tehran, I.R.Iran

2 PhD student in Political Science at Imam Sadiq University and Researcher at Imam Sadiq University Rushd Center, Tehran, I.R. Iran.

3 PhD student and Researcher at Imam Sadiq University Rushd Center, Tehran, I.R. Iran.

4 MA. and Researcher at Imam Sadiq University Rushd Center, Tehran, I.R. Iran.

5 Master student and Researcher at Imam Sadiq University Rushd Center, Tehran, I.R. Iran.



Analyzing the thoughts of political thinkers in the light of religious epistemological foundations and paying attention to the specific requirements of research in this field requires the design of a specific research method. In this article, the " Manžumeh Approach" is presented as a proposed method. The main question is "what is the appropriate research method to understand and analyze the thought of a political thinker?". To answer this question, researchers have designed a new method using the meta-analysis. This method has been explained in five stages: "research design", "data collection", "data analysis", "research report" and "validation". Data analysis in this method is performed in accordance with a special coding logic, including two types of coding: "deductive-inductive" and "deliberative-interpretive". According to this method, data analysis takes place in two steps: "understanding the totality of the intellectual system" of the political thinker and "research under his intellectual system". The research under the political thinker's intellectual system includes three steps: "deliberative coding of central texts", "layer-by-layer interpretive coding of central texts" and "extraction of the comparative model of the subject or theory under the political thinker's intellectual system". In the end, the systematic analysis method has presented its proposal regarding the way of presenting the research report and the methods of research validation according to the specificities of the research in the field of political thinkers' thought. The systematic analysis method has presented its proposal regarding the way of presenting "research report" and the methods of "research validation".


Main Subjects

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Volume 19, Issue 2 - Serial Number 38
September 2023
Pages 313-348
  • Receive Date: 19 October 2022
  • Revise Date: 08 June 2023
  • Accept Date: 09 August 2023