Analysis of the effects of political ideology on Christian evangelism during the Qajar era in Iran

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


1 PhD in Political Thought , Imam Sadiq University, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Political Sciences, Tehran, I.R. Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Political Science, Imam Sadig University, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Political Science, Tehran, I.R. Iran.



The evangelistic activity of Christianity has had many ups and downs in the history of Iran. The change from traditional evangelism to organizational evangelism was a big change that was more visible during the Qajar era. It is important to pay attention to these transformations in the sense that the evangelical boards had a political approach due to their dependence on their respective governments, and in this way, they faced the political ideology of the governments for religious and political reasons. The main question of the article is: What are the effects of political ideology in the Qajar period on the flow of Christian preaching? For the analysis a three-level analysis theory of political ideology, has been used. The findings of the research indicate that the evangelization flow during the Qajar rule adopted different approaches in accordance with the political crises. Due to the contradiction in the content and the great alienation of the political ideology of the Qajar government with the evangelization movement, this current has been active in general non-obvious periods and in other periods due to the predominance of financial and political dependence on Western countries and the lack of stability and power of the government.


Main Subjects

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Volume 19, Issue 2 - Serial Number 38
September 2023
Pages 445-472
  • Receive Date: 06 February 2023
  • Revise Date: 03 July 2023
  • Accept Date: 10 August 2023