Metaphorical-comparative analysis of political conflict from the perspective of the Islamic Republic Party and the Mojahedin (Monafegin) Khalq Organization

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, I.R.Iran.

2 Ph.D in Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, I.R.Iran.



The present article is dedicated to the metaphorical-comparative analysis of the causes and concept of political conflict from the perspective of the Islamic Republic Party and the Mojahedin (Monafegin) Khalq Organization. The questions of the article are: "First, what are the causes of conflict in human society in the discourse of the Republican Party and the Mojahedin (Monafegin) Khalg Organization, and secondly, what is the perception and understanding of the concept of conflict in these discourses?" A hypothesis has not been designed and tested to answer these questions. The research is of a qualitative type and by assuming the conceptual metaphor theory of Likaf and Johnson and the metaphor identification method, an attempt has been made to answer the questions by studying the texts and documents of the Islamic Republic Party and the Mojahedin (Monafegin) Khalg Organization. Research findings: In the discourse of the Islamic Republic Party and the Mojahedin (Monafegin) Khalg Organization, the conceptual fields of means, war, perfection, right, worship, duty, salvation, adaptation and survival of the righteous have been used to understand the conflict. Contrary to the discourse of the Islamic Republic Party, the discourse of the Mojahedin (Monafegin) Khalg was formed under the influence of the three intellectual fountains of the theory of evolution, Marxism and eclectic Islam, and based on that, the organization justified its violent and terrorist actions after the revolution to its supporters and members. Conclusion: The authors have concluded that the Mojahedin (Monafegin) Khalg understands the causes and roots of the political conflict in the continuation of its understanding of the mechanism of evolution and considers it to originate from the internal contradictions of the society that divide the society into two camps of evolutionary and anti-evolutionary classes. This view has a significant distance from the discourse and intellectual fountain of the Islamic Republic Party, despite the similarity of conceptual concepts and metaphors.


Main Subjects

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Volume 20, Issue 1 - Serial Number 39
March 2024
Pages 107-130
  • Receive Date: 27 April 2023
  • Revise Date: 09 August 2023
  • Accept Date: 03 September 2023