Reorganization of the official media of the Islamic Republic of Iran; challenges and solutions

Document Type : Science - Research (Public Science and Governance)


Assistant Professor, Department of Political Thought in Islam,The Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution, Tehran, I.R.Iran.



Considering the tremendous and accelerated changes in the field of communication technologies and the consequent change in the methods, tools and methods of communication between people on the one hand, as well as the continuous onslaught of the western media stream and their ceaseless efforts to create a distorted image of the nature and also The goals of the internal and external policy of the Islamic system, this research seeks to provide a way of thinking through which the possibility of reorganizing the official media of the Islamic Republic - with the aim of improving the level of the effectiveness of its media and propaganda action - will be provided. For this purpose, the researcher tries to answer the question of how to overcome the challenges facing the media action of the official media of the Islamic Republic of Iran by using the method of thematic analysis and its application to expert interviews. Naturally, providing an answer to this question requires knowing the weak points, drawing the situation of an ideal media action and providing operational solutions for this purpose. The elite community consists of 8 professors in the field of communication, who were selected with the logic of theoretical saturation. The upcoming research includes 20 themes in the dimension of recognizing the problematic aspect of the challenge in official media action, 79 themes in the formation of the challenge situation, 14 themes in the drawing of the ideal situation and 47 operational solutions to improve the quality level of official media action in the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Main Subjects

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Volume 20, Issue 2 - Serial Number 40
September 2024
Pages 571-598
  • Receive Date: 20 September 2023
  • Revise Date: 06 August 2024
  • Accept Date: 31 August 2024