Epistemology of Party in Iran (Case studies:Parties Mutalfa, Kargozaran, Jomhori Eslami, Nehzat Azadi, Jammeh Rohanyyat Mobarez)

Document Type : Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)


Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Kerman, I.R.Iran.



One of the elements claimed for the strength of a country's political system is the existence of political parties. It is acceptable for parties to act with a secular worldview because there is a kind of political worldview convergence between the party and party activists in these societies, in other words, the basis and thought of the existence of the party and its structures are well designed, which has party behavior at levels. implements culture. Are the epistemic resources of Iranian parties the same as the epistemic resources of modern (western) parties? If they are the same, what is the contribution of each knowledge? The answers to the above questions need to be analyzed at the epistemological level. To analyze the level of knowledge, party documents (selected) and semi-structured interviews with party activists have been used in the form of thematic analysis. Purposive sampling has been done from the parties registered in the Ministry of Interior. The results of the research show similarities in The use of epistemic sources (homologous) in parties and the political space of romanticism has every epistemic reference among the parties and the space of political romanticism. This phenomenon itself is caused by the centrality of intuitive knowledge at the high theoretical level of party formation and political activism. which causes the intensification of the atmosphere of political romanticism in its political and social proposal, which is the opposite of the existence of the fact that the atmosphere of romance is also based on intuitive epistemological references.


Main Subjects

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Volume 20, Issue 2 - Serial Number 40
September 2024
Pages 295-318
  • Receive Date: 14 October 2023
  • Revise Date: 17 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 17 July 2024