Analyzing the Components of Economic Diplomacy of Qatar

Document Type : Science - Research (International Relation)


Associate Professor of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, I.R.Iran.



Today, with changing in the priorities of the diplomatic system of countries, strengthening the economic growth indicators has a higher priority than other goals. In many theories and definitions of globalization, the economic element of this process is emphasized and numerous theorists consider the dominant aspect of globalization to be economic. In general, in the era of globalization, economic diplomacy means the intersection of diplomacy and economic interests in line with national interests. Its successful application in the network of complex mutual relations will guarantee the provision of national interests only by presenting successful diplomacy. The purpose of this article is to investigate the dimensions and components of economic diplomacy of the Qatar government. The main question of this research is what is the economic diplomacy of the Qatari government and what dimensions and components does it have? In this research, based on the descriptive-analytical method and using the conceptual framework of economic diplomacy as one of the special tasks of the government in the age of globalization, the specific experience of Qatar in this field is investigated and analyzed. The findings of the research show that the developmental government of Qatar, with a detailed understanding of global developments centered on the economy and by using its ability in the field of economic diplomacy, especially in the field of energy and based on a state-oriented economy, with an emphasis on economic diversification in the international arena in order to secure national interests, it has been very active and has taken effective and useful steps through investment in various fields and in different regions of the world and also in the field of attracting foreign investment and has shown a very successful model of himself in the field of economic diplomacy.


Main Subjects

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Volume 20, Issue 2 - Serial Number 40
September 2024
Pages 429-454
  • Receive Date: 20 November 2023
  • Revise Date: 05 August 2024
  • Accept Date: 05 August 2024