Islamic republic of Iran's official responses to the UN human rights council reports: pathological and political rhetoric studies

Document Type : Science - Research (International Relation)


1 Ph.D. in Public Law, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, I.R.Iran.

2 Associate Prof, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, I.R.Iran.

3 MA. in Political Science, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Political science, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, I.R.Iran.



"Political rhetoric" means " dialect and political literature ". Historical research shows that rhetoric is the art of speaking in an effective and persuasive manner and it is one of the most influential and credential factors in shaping and changing public opinion. Public opinion has always observed and taken into account the political rhetoric of authorities and its structure for regulating their interactions with state or government and political system. United nation specialized Human rights reports corresponding all member states, which are prepared by its various organs such as human rights council and its rapporteurs, secretary general and high commissioner for human rights, are one of the  most important political, global and legal variables that have many international impacts on the domestic and foreign policies and aspects of public opinion. The Islamic republic of Iran has also been repeatedly addressed to these reports for many years after Islamic revolution. In return, Iranian authorities have sought to present and submit their official responses and political reactions regarding these reports; These official responses have been carried out mostly by official bodies such as IRI high council for human rights and the ministry of foreign affairs. This article seeks to answer this question: " What are the Islamic republic of Iran's political rhetoric deficiencies and pathological defects about responses to specialized reports of the United Nations human rights council? ". In this regard, we've applied Theme analysis method (theme network) and rhetoric analysis (triple elements) to analyze and criticize official responses to the United Nations human rights council reports. Accordingly, some defects have been detected: passivity of responses, emphasizing on negative political responses, negligence in representing technical defects of the reports and the activity of rapporteurs or human rights council, lack of expertise in representing achievements are the most notable deficiencies among the others.


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 06 January 2024
  • Revise Date: 15 May 2024
  • Accept Date: 23 September 2024