The Role of Secular Discourses in Modern Iraq in Advancing US Objectives

Document Type : Science - Research (Regional Studies)


Assistant Professor, Law, Political Sciences and History, Department of Political Sciences, Yazd University,Yazd, I.R.Iran.



Iraq experienced political stability under the long-standing Ba'athist regime. However, due to the Ba'athists' authoritarian and anti-religious policies, the Iraqi people lacked political and religious freedom. This equation was reversed after the US intervention and the overthrow of the Ba'athist regime. The people seemingly gained political and religious freedom through the establishment of a parliamentary democracy. However, they faced numerous crises in return, including state-building, security, economic, cultural, and social fragmentation crises. These crises stemmed from the US's attempt to impose a Western secular culture on a traditional and religious society to advance its own interests. Considering the history of Islamism in Iraq and its position on the axis of resistance, understanding the role of secular discourses in advancing US objectives is of great importance. This research, based on discourse analysis, seeks to answer the main question of the role of secular discourses in advancing US objectives in Iraq. Based on the research, three main secular discourses can be identified in modern Iraq: right-wing liberal secularism, left-wing social secularism, and nationalist secularism, with right-wing secularism being the dominant one. Each of these discourses serves US interests in different ways, which are explained in the text of the article.Secular discourses have played a significant role in advancing US objectives in Iraq. These discourses have helped to Legitimize the US intervention in Iraq: Secular discourses have been used to justify the US invasion of Iraq as a necessary step to liberate the Iraqi people from a repressive regime and to establish a democratic state. Promote US values: Secular discourses have been used to promote US values such as democracy, human rights, and freedom. Counteract Islamist extremism: Secular discourses have been used to counter the influence of Islamist extremist groups such as ISIS Secular discourses have played a significant role in advancing US objectives in Iraq. These discourses have helped to legitimize the US intervention in Iraq, promote US values, and counteract Islamist extremism. However, the future of secularism in Iraq is uncertain. The country is facing numerous challenges, including sectarian violence, economic instability, and political corruption. These challenges could lead to a resurgence of Islamist extremism and a decline in support for secularism. 


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 14 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 26 December 2024