Study Concerning the Relationship between Feeling of Relative Deprivation and Political Participation among the Students in Isfahan University

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Isfahan University

2 Ph.D Student in Isfahan University

3 M.A. Student in Political Science -at Isfahan University


Political participation as one of the varieties of participations, is considered
as one of the important indicators of political and social developments in
countries. Political participation of university students that are considered as
the largest population group in the developing countries and responsponsible
persons for the administration of society in future, have special importance
for political perseverance and dynamics of society .
The main goal of writing this paper is to study the relationship between the
feeling relative deprivation and political participation of the students in the
university of Isfahan . This paper was conducted by measuring and
descriptive method.This model included 188 students from university of
Isfahan which were chosen by cluster sampling. For collecting in for mation,
the method of questionnaire has been used. Analysis of the datas has been
done by the use of regresion multiple variable analysis and with using spss16
soft - ware and Amos18 findings showed while there is no meaningful
relationship between the feelings of economical deprivation and measure of
normal political participations, but there is a negative relation between other
dimensions of relative deprivations with the political participations and with
the increase in feelings of relative deprivation the amount of political
participation in every dimensions decreases.


Main Subjects

Volume 8, Issue 1 - Serial Number 15
September 2012
Pages 37-68
  • Receive Date: 27 September 2011
  • Revise Date: 03 October 2011
  • Accept Date: 01 November 2011