Challenges That Islamic Religion Face in Africa

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


Faculty member of Payam Noor University


This paper makes an effort to look into the historical backgrounds of Islam
and Christianity in Africa and while taking the continuous efforts by these
two religions in this continent undess consideration, it points to the factors
and basis of the success of Christianity and in fluence of the west and
Christian organigations and also to their propagandistic methods in Africa.
In addition , the reasons for slow progress of moslims and Islamic countries
in competing with Christians has been carefully studied. This paper also tries
to take under consideration the modern methods used for spreading
Christianity especially after the with drawal of the occupying military forces
and establishment of soled social basis through free educational, health care
and services in one hand and training of a generation of intellectuals that
would gradually dominate governmental, economical and cultural
infrastructures. The applicational phase of the present paper is, it could give
a pattern to the Islamic countries in which on the basis of that while
establishing policies to attract and spread of Islamic religion , it would give
attention to the cultural and social circumstances and on the other hand
implement their actions in and away from their internal differences.


Main Subjects

Volume 8, Issue 1 - Serial Number 15
September 2012
Pages 99-125
  • Receive Date: 06 December 2011
  • Revise Date: 16 December 2011
  • Accept Date: 05 January 2012