Study Concerning the Factors in the Fall of Hosni Mobarak’s Regime and Perspectives of the Developments in Egypt

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Isfahan University

2 M.A. in Political Science from Isfahan University


Strategic situation of Egyption in North Africa, it’s civilization background
along with it’s influence among Arab nation has transformed Egypt to one of
the influential governments in the political developments in Middle East and
North Africa. Popular uprising in Tunasia and the down fall of the Ben Ali
regime transmitted very fast to Egypt which resulted to the down fall of
Hosni Mobarak after three decade. The down fall of the Mobarak
Dictatorship was consequential to same crisis in the governmental level and
society. The legitimacy crisis and efficiency crisis in the governmental level
along with occurrence of some crisis in the society such as, increase in the
gap between the classes of the society and spread of corruption made a
favourable situation for the creation of a coalition movement against
Mobarak regime in Egypt and his down fall. It seems that the existence of
some factors in Egypt such as, growth of the new middle class in recent
years, presence of parties with old records among the movement, like
Ekhvan al Moslemin and this party’s endeavour for modernizing itself along
with the development of the modern telecommunications, because of the
globalization can facilitate the transition in Egypt to a democratic regime . of
course, the existence of some factors such as, lack of defined leadership and
the kind of the future regime in Egypt which can be seen in the slogans of
the activists in the movement along with the efforts of the foreign forces for
interference in Egypt’s developments and tendency among some of the
activists in the movement towards violent behaviours are some of the
challenges in the path of transition to democracy in Egypt.


Main Subjects

Volume 8, Issue 1 - Serial Number 15
September 2012
Pages 163-194
  • Receive Date: 13 January 2012
  • Revise Date: 23 January 2012
  • Accept Date: 29 January 2012