Background of the Growth of Islamophobia in Britain

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Imam Sadiq University

2 Ph.D Student in Cultural Policy making -at Research Center for Cultural and Social Studies


Islamophobia is a complex of discrimination, violence, rejection and insult, the expansion of which had harmful influence in Muslim communities in the western countries. The growth of Islamophobia in some domains such as media or formal and governmental levels necessitates serious attention due to its intensity. In Britain, especially, Muslims make the largest religious minority; hence the existence of Islamophobia and its consequences there must be taken more seriously. The article concentrates on Islamophobia at informal and formal levels in the British society and after presenting a definition of the issue it brings the concept of structured Islamophobia especially in the aftermath of September 11 into focus. The discussion is divided into two categories. First, an investigation into pertinent theoretical and legal frameworks (with a look at the European convention of human rights and some other British laws such as ethnic-relation Act, and anti-terrorism Acts), and second a discussion of this phenomenon in practical and executive domains (such as disciplinary measures of the police and other law implementation groups and the existence of discrimination in anti-terrorist Acts). It is intended to explain that the formal and legal structure of British society both in the realm of legislation and execution, has failed to provide adequate support for Muslims as a minority group. The result is the formation, in recent years, of a special kind of Islamophobia and discrimination against Muslims, that we have formulated as structured Islamophobia


Main Subjects

Volume 7, Issue 2 - Serial Number 14
May 2013
Pages 99-132
  • Receive Date: 11 July 2011
  • Revise Date: 07 August 2011
  • Accept Date: 07 September 2011