Exercise of Soft Power by Arrogant Forces (istikbar),a Quranic Approach

Document Type : Science - Research (Political Science)


1 Faculty member of Imam Sadiq university

2 Ph.D Student in Political Science -at Imam Sadiq University


Though "power" is pivotal in politics, its various components signify its specific nature and functions. Among these, "soft power" insists on "attractiveness” and it is essentially an endeavor on the part of the actor in order to simulate the rival society and proceed with its objectives. One basic Quranic concept is the active presence of two opposing trends, one Divine and the other the Arrogant Forces, i.e. those two antagonistic powers that come face to face with each other, a fact mentioned throughout the Holy Book. The Arrogant Forces headed by Satan and other evil forces stand against the Truth and try by all means (whether soft or hard) to abstain people from following the right path. This article scrutinizes the confrontation of these two opposing forces in politics by relying on affirmative and negative features as they appear in the Quran. To answer how the Arrogant Forces proceed with their aims in defiance of the Divine trend by exercising soft power, the article has used "qualitative content analysis".
It is concluded that the Arrogant Forces execute their policy by relying on four major strategies, namely comprehensiveness, continuity, step by step policy, and utilization of the rival's weak points, through political, economic, cultural and psychological methods. To do this they resort to means such as threat, humiliation, enticement, slander, spreading rumors, compromise, emotional stimulation, creating a hostile atmosphere and deviating public opinion, all for the sake of deceiving the believers into rising against the divine injunctions.


Main Subjects

Volume 7, Issue 2 - Serial Number 14
May 2013
Pages 167-204
  • Receive Date: 27 July 2011
  • Revise Date: 24 August 2011
  • Accept Date: 25 September 2011