A Constructive Analysis of Great States’ Behavior towards Iran during Reza Shah' s Rule

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Politic)


1 Faculty member of Yazd University

2 M.A. in Political Science from Yazd University


The aim of this essay is to analyze the behavior of great states towards Iran during Reza Shah’s rule. With this aim in mind, the two main hypotheses of this essay are: 1- Colonialist policies and pressures and continued interference of Russian and British states in Iran made Reza Shah’s government consider these two great powers as ‘enemies’ and decide to replace them with a ‘third power’. 2- German army’s advance on western front and finally its invasion of the Soviet Union made Britain and the Soviet Union to reconsider their view of Germans as their ally and see it as their enemy. In its turn, Iran’s tendency towards Germany became intolerable for them which led them to decide to occupy Iran.

After the introduction and mentioning of the research background, we have explained the application of Constructivism theory in the study of states’ foreign policies and international relations. Next we expound on different issues regarding the relations between Iran and the Allies, especially the reason and the nature of the Allies’ confrontation with Iran. In the end, conclusions derived from the analysis will be presented.


Main Subjects

Volume 7, Issue 1 - Serial Number 13
December 2011
Pages 149-181
  • Receive Date: 19 June 2011
  • Revise Date: 03 December 2011
  • Accept Date: 05 September 2011