Social Capital, and subjective violence in the Middle East

Document Type : Science - Research (Regional Studies)


1 Faculty member of Kharazmi University

2 Ph.D Student in Political Science -Political Sociology- Allameh Tabatabaei University


The post-World War II subjective violence at the international level seemed to be less than the efforts made by a variety of international organizations, the Charter of Human Rights and the like. Again in the Middle East, after the events of September 11, 2001, the international community was compelled to again seriously address this issue in various hardware and software ways. In this article, while exploring the issue of subjective violence, a new concept called social capital is used to investigate the cause of its spread in the Middle East. Since various studies have confirmed the link between social capital and violence, this article discusses the causes of the decline and negative functioning of social capital and its relation to the reproduction of subjective violence. The key question is why is subjective violence in the Middle East constantly reproducing? In order to answer this question, using existing library documents and resources and using historical and sociological analysis, we try to reduce the causes of decline after theoretical examination of social capital and its relation to economic development. And also its negative function. We then examine the relationship between this concept and the reproduction of subjective violence in the Middle East. Findings and results indicate that the continued intervention of transnational interventionist powers (Britain, America, France), especially after World War I, has reduced or reproduced the negative functioning of social capital in the Middle East and has reproduced. Continued subjective violence in the region have led.The post-World War II subjective violence at the international level seemed to be less than the efforts made by a variety of international organizations, the Charter of Human Rights and the like. Again in the Middle East, after the events of September 11, 2001, the international community was compelled to again seriously address this issue in various hardware and software ways. In this article, while exploring the issue of subjective violence, a new concept called social capital is used to investigate the cause of its spread in the Middle East. Since various studies have confirmed the link between social capital and violence, this article discusses the causes of the decline and negative functioning of social capital and its relation to the reproduction of subjective violence. The key question is why is subjective violence in the Middle East constantly reproducing?


Main Subjects

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Volume 17, Issue 1 - Serial Number 33
March 2021
Pages 59-86
  • Receive Date: 17 January 2020
  • Revise Date: 07 December 2020
  • Accept Date: 17 December 2020