Volume & Issue: Volume 17, Issue 1 - Serial Number 33, ESSAY, March 2021, Pages 1-320 


Persian and English Identity Page


List of judges of the seventeenth year (1400)

Science - Research (International Relation)

Behavioral sample of the Republic of Azerbaijan towards the Islamic Republic of Iran in two-way interactions; outcome of identity concepts

Pages 1-26


mohammad Hossein Akbari; Amir Masud shahramnia; Saeed Vosoughi

Science - Research (Public Science and Governance)

Explaining the role of rentier sources in the power structure of government based on the dialectical approach of political networks (Case- study: Bahraini government)

Pages 27-58


Azam Khani Valdani; Hossein Masoudnia; Seeyed Javad Emam jomeh zadeh

Science - Research (Regional Studies)

Social Capital, and subjective violence in the Middle East

Pages 59-86


Reza Khalili; Hamed Mehraban incheh broun

Science - Research (International Relation)

Intensification of US unilateral sanctions against I.R.Iran and its impact on accelerating of Covid-19

Pages 87-108


Amir Sajedi; Arsalan Ghorbani Sheikhneshin; Mohammad bashir Bazgir

Science - Research (Iranian Political issues)

The function of financial structure in strengthening the national security in the Safavid era

Pages 109-138


Amirhosseyn Shamaeezadeh; Mahdi Hamzeh poor; Hamid reza Rahimof

Science - Research (Regional Studies)

The link between pluralism and federalism with an emphasis on association democracy (Case-study: new Iraq)

Pages 139-162


Saeed Shamsoldini; Seyyed Khodayar Mortazavi; Mehrdad Navabakhsh

Anahysing Yemen's Houthi Movement on the basis of Jabberi approach

Pages 163-188


Mortaza Shirodi; Mojtab Soltani; Mohamadtagi Agaei mazara sahi

Analysis of relations between I.R.Iran and Syria in the light of the theory of regional balance of power

Pages 189-214


Hadi Tolouei; Mohammad Javad Haghshenas

Science - Research (International Relation)

Explaining the US behavioral pattern in international crises management

Pages 215-242


Mohammad Abedi; Nozar Shafiee; Mohammad reza Dehshiri

Science - Research (Islamic Politic)

Government human rights obligations in the field of social crime prevention

Pages 243-266


Morteza Arefi

Theory of human divine caliphate as a basis for difference and equality in the right to political participation with emphasis on interpretation of

Pages 267-290


Seeyed Mohammad Sadegh Kazemi; Seyyed Mohammadreza Ahmadi Tabatabaei

Science - Research (International Relation)

Foreign Policy principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution

Pages 291-320


Abuzar Gohari Moqaddam; Alireza Beigi