• Baghery, Mohamad Analysis of Political Thought in I.R. Iran with Emphesis on Academic Resources [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 53-73]
  • Bahrani, Morteza Civil Friendship and the Forms of City [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 69-88]
  • Bashir, Hassan Iran's Nuclear Program and Build trust for the Government of America Analyze of US State Department Spokesman Page on Facebook [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 89-112]


  • Eftekhari, Asghar Micro conceptual framework of Socieatal Security in Prophet Mohammeds character [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 5-44]
  • Emami Meibodi, Razieh Comparative Analyses of Policy Evaluation Systems; Principles and Rules [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 45-68]
  • Esmaili, Reza Beliefs Methods of Soft War and Ways to Deal with it, Based on the Teachings of the Holy Quran [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 75-94]


  • Gheisari, Noorullah The Effectiveness of Political System of Islamic Republic of Iran; A Model for Evaluation [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 129-148]
  • Ghorbani, Mostafa The Effectiveness of Political System of Islamic Republic of Iran; A Model for Evaluation [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 129-148]
  • Golnari Abbasi, Mohammad Beliefs Methods of Soft War and Ways to Deal with it, Based on the Teachings of the Holy Quran [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 75-94]
  • Goodarzi, Mahmood The Effectiveness of Political System of Islamic Republic of Iran; A Model for Evaluation [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 95-127]


  • Hassanlou, Masoud Iran's Nuclear Program and Build trust for the Government of America Analyze of US State Department Spokesman Page on Facebook [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 89-112]
  • Hijimohammadi, Ali Media and International and Regional Crises; Critical Analysis of Presuppositions in the News Article of Turkish Newspapers on Syria Crisis [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 145-177]
  • Hosseini, Seyed Mammad Hossein Explaining the Relationship between Political Culture and Economic Development; Case Study: Mamasani Township [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 169-208]


  • Jamalzadeh, Nasser A Survey on the Roots of the Separation of Iranian Political Factions after Islamic Revolution [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 113-143]


  • Kazemi, sayyed Mohammad sadig A Survey on the Roots of the Separation of Iranian Political Factions after Islamic Revolution [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 113-143]


  • Mahdavi, Asgharaga Theory of Political Obligation in Shiite Jurisprudence [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 149-168]
  • Mirzaei Tabar, Meysam Explaining the Relationship between Political Culture and Economic Development; Case Study: Mamasani Township [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 169-208]
  • Mohri Adaryani, Tayebeh Analysis of Political Thought in I.R. Iran with Emphesis on Academic Resources [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 53-73]
  • Montazerghaem, Mahdi Media and International and Regional Crises; Critical Analysis of Presuppositions in the News Article of Turkish Newspapers on Syria Crisis [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 145-177]


  • Piroozfar, Mahdi The Situation of Turkish Studies I.R. Iran [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 5-52]
  • Poorfard, Masood Analysis of Political Thought in I.R. Iran with Emphesis on Academic Resources [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 53-73]


  • Rashidpoor, Ali Beliefs Methods of Soft War and Ways to Deal with it, Based on the Teachings of the Holy Quran [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 75-94]


  • Sadeghi, Vahid Explaining the Relationship between Political Culture and Economic Development; Case Study: Mamasani Township [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 169-208]
  • Shariati Feizabadi, Mahdi The Effectiveness of Political System of Islamic Republic of Iran; A Model for Evaluation [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 95-127]